re-IGNITE photos by Matthew Jordan Smith





TakePart is a leading source of socially relevant news, features, opinion, entertainment and information - all focused on the issues that shape our lives. We're also a community of people compelled to take action! At the heart of everything we do is a belief that a story well told can change the world. That’s why our mission is singular: To inspire and accelerate social change by connecting content to social action.

TakePart is dedicated to connecting inspiring content to relevant and credible actions you can take to make a difference. We've partnered with leading organizations including non-profits to deliver trustworthy actions intended for real good.

Pivot, launched August 1, 2013, is a new television network from Participant Media serving passionate Millennials (18-34) with a diverse slate of talent and a mix of original series, acquired programming, films and documentaries. Pivot focuses on entertainment that sparks conversation, inspires change and illuminates issues through engaging content, and its to continue the conversation and connect audiences to a wealth of content and customizable actions. Pivot is also changing the media landscape, available via traditional Pay TV subscription to 40 million-plus homes and integrates a Live and on demand streaming option via its interactive, downloadable Pivot APP. In both content and delivery, Pivot is 'TV for The New Greatest Generation.'

Creative Projects Foundation

cpfstampCreative Projects Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity with a mission to produce and support the creation of Social Impact Entertainment in all media platforms.

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