cgpbadgemalalaJourneys in Film (JiF) and Participant Media Release Discussion Guide for He Named Me Malala

To download the Discussion Guide for He Named Me Malala, a Fox Searchlight, Image Nation, Malala Fund, National Geographic, Participant Media documentary feature film release, please go to Your download will begin immediately. Please look in your download folder. This Discussion Guide gives you the opportunity to continue Malala's work: to learn about the status of girls' education in the world today, to discuss what you have read about girls' education, to explore resources to learn more, and to seek ways to make a change in your own community and in the wider world. For community screenings, panels, and workshops; and college courses and seminars.

The Malala film Discussion Guide is part of a new partnership formed by USC Rossier that combines film and other media-based curricula with professional development for teachers. For more information about the USC/Journeys in Film partnership, please see: