Human Rights Watch works in over ninety countries, addressing the human rights practices of governments of all political stripes, regardless of ethnic or religious persuasion. It defends freedom of thought and expression, due process, and equal protection of the law and a vigorous civil society. Human Rights Watch is widely respected for timely and accurate investigations and research, and for documenting and denouncing murders, disappearances, torture, arbitrary imprisonments, discrimination, and other human rights abuses.
You can make a difference in this critical work by joining us for this unique and inspiring evening. Please complete and return the registration form, or call the Human Rights Watch office at 310.477.5540 to reserve by phone. Last year the event sold out, so don't delay!
You can purchase tickets online (link below), by phone (310-477-5540), or by filling out the attached form and faxing it back. For further information, please contact Caitlin McAdam at 310-477-5540 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your support!
For one night only, a star-studded cast of actors and musicians will come together at the renowned Broad Stage to support Human Rights Watch.
Powerful performances of selected writings and personal testimonies will celebrate and bring to life the courage of "ordinary heroes" who face injustice and fight for basic freedoms around the world.
Performers to date include Annette Bening, Greg Germann, Vincent Kartheiser, Amanda Peet, and Julian Sands
Featuring musical performances by A Fine Frenzy, Mia Doi Todd, and Terra Naomi
Monday, May 9, 2011
6:30 pm | Cocktail Reception with light hors d'oeuvres
7:30 pm | Performance, followed by dessert and coffee reception with the cast
The Broad Stage
1310 11th Street, Santa Monica, California
Ticket prices are $100 (balcony) and $150 (orchestra). To join us as an event sponsor or purchase tickets:
For more information or to reserve tickets by phone,
please contact Caitlin McAdam at (310) 477-5540 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cries From the Heart
2011 Committee
Jonathan Feldman, Artistic Director
Richard J. Lewis, Director
Diane Nabatoff, Producer
Nancy Cushing-Jones, Co-Chair
Jonathan Feldman, Co-Chair
Laura Almo
Susi Bahat
Peter Blake
Emma Brownell
Ellen Carol DuBois
Kimberly Marteau Emerson
Mary Garvey
Janet Grillo
Cheryl D. Justice
Sheila King
John Moser
Erica Rothschild
Robert W. Shaffer, Jr.
Barbara Silberbusch
Hannah Taylor
Patricia Williams
California Committee South
Executive Committee
Kimberly Marteau Emerson, Co-Chair
Shari Leinwand, Co-Chair
Sid Sheinberg, Co-Chair
William D. Temko, Co-Chair
Jonathan Feldman, Vice Chair
Mike Farrell, Co-Chair Emeritus
Victoria Riskin, Co-Chair Emeritus
Jane Olson, Co-Founder
Terree Bowers
Pam Bruns
Tamar Chafets
Nancy Cushing-Jones
Rica Orszag
Deborah S. Ramo
David W. Rintels
Lorraine Sheinberg
Barbara Silberbusch
Arthur F. Silbergeld
Patricia Williams
Cries From the Heart Sponsors
The Artist's Circle
The Taylor Family
The Diamondston Foundation
Mary Garvey
Gibson Dunn
Kimberly Marteau & John Emerson
Barbara Silberbusch
Susi Bahat
Nancy Cushing-Jones
Ellen Carol DuBois
Cheryl D. Justice
Shari Leinwand
Erica Rothschild & Marcus Spiegel
List as of March 25, 2011
(top, left to right) © Platon for Human Rights Watch | AP Photo | Brent Foster
(bottom, left to right) © AP Photo | AP Photo | AP Photo