What We do

What We Do

CPG employs a multidisciplinary team in the entertainment, media and sports fields, and serves as a "creative incubator" to develop and produce creative content.  We also employ transformational consulting techniques to assist clients in developing their own intellectual property assets and monetizing these assets through our Production Services and Monetization Division.

Creative Development and Production

Creative Projects Group® offers comprehensive services related to productions in film, theater, television, music, and publishing, including management and agency contracts, financing, corporate structures, licensing, merchandising and other entertainment, media and sports agreements. We also manage business, philanthropy and finance for individuals and companies.

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lohasstampWilliam Nix, CEO of CPG, also serves as a Principal Advisor and Partner in LOHAS, a public benefit limited liability company: www.lohas.org Through this strategic relationship, he and his partners devise strategies to help clients raise capital for social and environmental impact projects. As a part of these services, they are also able to provide 501(c)(3) Fiscal Sponsorship to individuals and organizations who want to either invest in and/or donate to media projects. The programs created for such purposes can accept cash contributions from individuals and companies; grants and distributions from donor-advised funds, foundations, and charitable trusts; and anything with established or appraisable value, including cryptocurrency, real estate, stocks, bonds, privately held business interests, and collectible art. For further information on this, see: https://lohas.org/social-impact-entertainment/ and https://lohas.org/thought-leadership/

Publishing, Media & Branding Services

ncj publishing services www.ncjpublishingservices.com provides a variety of services to authors and publishers ranging from content editing, brand assessment, to page design and layout. Nancy Cushing-Jones,  CPG President of Publishing, Media & Branding, is the primary consultant at ncj publishing services. She has 35+ years of experience helping clients who want to take their writing to the next level. She has worked with every genre and with every type of book from novels to non-fiction books, children’s books, and picture books. She also serves on the Creative Projects Group® Board of Advisors. See:  http://creativeprojectsgroup.com/who-we-are/53-officers/363-nancy-cushing-jones.html

General Consulting

We specialize in working with creative and entrepreneurial clients to develop strategic and tactical business plans and assist with guiding their implementation. We also work with small business and larger corporate clients on similar ventures and to improve employee morale and productivity. Creative Projects Group® provides executive coaching, designs and implements corporate events, including creativity workshops and executive and organizational management retreats.

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Workshops and Events

The CPG team provide workshops taught by experts in various fields including creative development, legacy planning, corporate management training, intellectual property creation and protection, and digital media development. We also work with established innovators in the field, assisting CEO's, key executives, authors and other creative individuals in parlaying their know-how and personal magnetism into marketable books and media appearances.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

CPG provides a wide spectrum of private ADR services, including mediation, arbitration, neutral facilitation, and party advocacy in settlement.  Our practice covers a broad spectrum of civil disputes, including but not limited to those in respect to entertainment/media industry contracts, commercial transactions,  partnership, real estate and business disputes, and business torts.  Many individuals in the entertainment, media and sports industries routinely face artistic, business, financial and interpersonal conflicts that require resolution of disputes between them and other parties.  Rather than resort to judicial determinations, CPG works to provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services via  both traditional commercial mediation and transformational mediation.

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