News & Events
William Nix is serving as industry advisor in the planning and production of a national entertainment industry symposium entitled Women in Hollywood: 100 Years of Negotiating the System. Pepperdine University School of Law's Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and Pepperdine University's Center for Entertainment, Media and Culture will co-sponsor the symposium Women in Hollywood: 100 Years of Negotiating the System on
November 15-16, 2013 on the Malibu Campus.
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William Nix, Industry Advisor and Professor in the Straus Institute's Entertainment, Media and Sports Dispute Resolution Project (EMS-Straus), served as an advisor in the planning and production of a Pepperdine Law Review national sports industry symposium entitled The New Normal in College Sports that was held at Pepperdine Law School on April 5, 2013.
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Colin Camerer: Neuroscience, Game Theory, Monkeys When two people are trying to make a deal -- whether they’re competing or cooperating -- what’s really going on inside their brains? Behavioral economist Colin Camerer shows research that reveals just how little we’re able to predict what others are thinking. And he presents an unexpected study that shows chimpanzees might just be better at it than we are.(Filmed at TEDxCalTech.) Colin Camerer is a leading behavioral economist who studies the psychological and neural bases of choice and strategic decision-making. Full bio » ![tedx](/images/stories/tedx.jpg)
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The Entertainment, Media and Sports Project at Straus Institute, released its 2012-2013 Report of activities at Pepperdine. A copy of the Report can be obtained from this link: click here ![bikes](/images/stories/bikes.jpg)
William Nix has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Association of Media and Entertainment Counsel's Law School Advisory Board. This Board has the responsibility to develop and implement AMEC initiatives pertaining to law schools throughout the country, including planning events and developing an AMEC Moot Court program that is slated to be held every year and start in 2014. The AMEC was formed in 2005 and is designed to support the career development and honor the achievements of in-house and business affairs attorneys at entertainment and media companies. For further information on the AMEC and its work, please see:![amec](/images/stories/amec.png)
Sportech PLC, one of the world's leading operators and suppliers of pools and tote gaming, announced the appointment of David J. Schreff, CPG Advisory Board Member, as Chief Operating Officer with specific responsibility for the US and Latin American markets. For further details, please see: and
William Nix is serving on a "Script Pitching" Panel at the Latin American Training Center's 4th Annual U.S. Film Industry Immersion Program in Los Angeles on November 1, 2012 ( ). The LATC event is being hosted by EGEDA ( at its offices in Beverly Hills. He is also moderating a panel on "Apology" at the Straus Institute/Pepperdine Law School Dispute Resolution Journal's symposium entitled "Rescuing Relationships: Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation" on November 2, 2012 (See: and also ). He is serving as a Judge in the National Entertainment Law Competition, being hosted at Pepperdine Law School, on November 9-11, 2012. The law student competitors are serving as advocates in respect to "fair use," "secondary copyright infringement" and "DMCA Safe Harbor" protection issues in relation to an Internet video-hosting website. For details of the underlying hypothetical please click here.
Straus Institute has launched an innovative new Dispute Resolution Project relating to the Entertainment, Media and Sports Industries. All these industries are highly developed, yet continually evolving with constant frictions among various labor, creative, technology and other constituencies. These frictions lead to regular judicial and other confrontations in relation to collective bargaining, intellectual property, commercial and other issues. While law school curricula have historically focused on the substantive law relating to these areas, with a particular emphasis on litigation, ADR has not been a principal focus of any national law school in respect to them. Straus Institute is particularly well-positioned to develop and implement a series of different programs to address this gap in academic and professional education.
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