cgpbadgeLOHAS  LOHAS Capital LogoLOHAS  LOHAS-Advisors-LogocropWilliam Nix has become a Principal Advisor and Partner in LOHAS Capital and LOHAS Advisors:

“LOHAS” is a consumer market segmentation term that stands for “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability” and refers to that segment of the population that aspires to a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle and makes buying and investment decisions accordingly.


We believe that this ever-growing global community is closely aligned with the social impact movement in general, and “LOHAS Capital” refers to raising funds from this constituency – similar to the terms “community capital” or “conscious capital”.

LOHAS Advisors empowers individuals and organizations to generate the impactful outcomes they desire, while supporting clients in satisfying direct impact investment demands.

For further information, please see: and

Press Release